welcome to evoblution

Welcome to Evoblution, my second template for the open web design community of OWD / OSWD. The template was hand-coded in xhtml and css, and validates XHTML 1.0 Strict and CSS 2.0. Additionally, it has been tested in the latest versions of Mozilla/Firefox, Opera, and Internet Explorer.


While I coded this template from scratch, I would have to credit the Blue Tranquility and Blue Tranquility 2 templates as a major source of inspiration for this design, as well as some very useful tips. There are a number of elements in this template which are borrowed in some way from the examples of many designers, more in terms of form than actual code, but I wish to thank all the great designers here at OSWD and elsewhere who strive to create attractive and standards-compliant designs


This template uses an alternate stylesheet for a print-friendly layout, although it less sophisticated than it perhaps could be. I haven't focused on accessibility very much, but I hope to get around to that when I have a bit more time, as I believe it is good policy (and a good habit to acquire).

terms and conditions


This template is offered to the community free of charge and without restriction, except for the following: if you sell this template without significant modification, you are asked to credit me for it. That is all.

image use

The main header image was created by myself, using some historic photographs in the public domain as the original sources of the lighthouse and the ship. It is an original work of art, and I release it under general terms of the Creative Commons license- basically, you are free to do with it as you wish, but you should not sell it or claim it as your own work. Credit for the work is common courtesy, but optional.


general comments

This template is a flexible layout, and will expand well up to 1800 pixels, after which point the header image will not fill the space allocated for it - this will take care of the vast majority of users, and the design will still look fine on larger screens.

The xhtml is commented fairly well, and the structural design lends well to easy modification. Additionally, the stylesheets provided are not exceptionally complicated, but are complete enough to ensure consistent display in the vast majority of web browsers (note that I did not make an effort to design for antiquated browsers- if people are still using IE3, they can deal with whatever they get - to the best of my knowledge, however, this design degrades well).

The stylesheets are not heavily commented, but the markup should be fairly easy to understand. Please note that an effort was made to avoid using ugly hacks to fix IE's disgusting and pathetic (inexcusable, really) css support, especially the box model. This means, be careful of adding any padding to block-level elements, as this can cause IE to rear its ugly head on the design.

  • Praesent adipiscing pharetra pede.
  • Aliquam eros mauris, interdum ultrices, consectetuer vel, eleifend non, quam.
  • Maecenas tempor egestas nisl.
  • Proin et nulla.
    1. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
    2. Vestibulum tristique diam.
    3. Maecenas pede.
  • Proin tincidunt molestie sapien.
  • Sed blandit eleifend urna.

Suspendisse varius ornare nulla. Donec adipiscing, nisl vulputate pretium elementum, erat nunc fermentum purus, sed gravida leo elit quis leo. Aliquam eu mauris. Fusce vel turpis. Sed libero. Phasellus dictum nunc pulvinar tellus. Nam vehicula. Aenean eros leo, porta vel, porta sed, vestibulum sit amet, dui. Morbi cursus suscipit nibh. Nunc eget ligula. Duis ultrices sollicitudin eros. Phasellus ac purus. Nulla facilisi. In vitae nisl. Curabitur in mi id lectus facilisis egestas. Cras et tortor. Curabitur iaculis ullamcorper dui.

To put the above into plain English, if you wanted to begin your own coordinate system, you would be well served by putting your current location at 0 longitude, and by drawing an imaginary line straight through the earth's polar axis to the longitudinal plane just opposite, and calling that the 'other' 0, or 180 degrees. This is in fact similar to methods used by navigators to determine their location before the advent of GPS, etc.

Or, if you were doing a coordinate sytem for -around-the-world UFO races, you might want to extend the longitudinal coordinates to 7200 degrees, which would account for a mofoflyslo getting lapped at any point in a 20 lap race-

Latitude does not work in the same way (latitude carries consistent physical characteristics of earth/sun relationship and definite position related to physical points around which the earth spins - it gets a bit more complicated to discuss polar drift, etc- so I won't even try).

Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Suspendisse potenti. Proin ut nulla eu neque aliquam consequat. Mauris volutpat. Suspendisse felis. Curabitur laoreet. Curabitur hendrerit. Quisque ut tortor et felis molestie blandit.