Kilometers to Miles(Statute & Nautical)

Kilometers to Miles (Statute & Nautical)
Kilometers SM NM
1 0.62 0.53
2 1.24 1.08
3 1.86 1.62
4 2.49 2.16
5 3.11 2.70
6 3.7 3.24
7 4.35 3.78
8 4.97 4.32
9 5.59 4.86
10 6.21 5.40

Length, pressure, volume & speed

Multiply By To Obtain
Feet .3048 Meters
Meters 3.281 Feet
Statue Miles 5280 Feet
Statue Miles .8690 Nautical Miles
Statue Miles 1.609 Kilometers
Nautical Miles 6076 Feet
Nautical Miles 1.151 Statue Miles
Nautical Miles 1.852 Kilometers
Kilometers 3281 Feet
Kilometers .5400 Nautical Miles
Kilometers .6214 Statue Miles
Centimeters 3938 Inches
Inches 2.540 Centimeters
Multiply By To Obtain
Hectopascals .0295 Inches of Mercury
Inches of Mercury 33.86 Hectopascals or Millibars
Multiply By To Obtain
US Gallons .8326 Imperial Gallons
US Gallons 3.785 Liters
Imp. Gallons 1.201 U.S. Gallons
Imp. Gallons 4.546 Liters
Liters .2642 U.S. Gallons
Liters .2200 Imp. Gallons
Multiply By To Obtain
Knots 1.151 S. Miles/Hour
Knots 1.852 Kilometers/Hour
Knots .5147 Meters/Second
S.Miles/Hour .8690 Knots
S.Miles/Hour 1.609 Kilometers/Hour
S.Miles/Hour .4471 Meters/Second
Kilometers/Hour .5400 Knots
Kilometers/Hour .6214 S. Miles/Hour
Kilometers/Hour .2778 Meters/Second
Meters/Second 1.943 Knots
Meters/Second 2.237 S. Miles/hour
Meters/Second 3.600 Kilometers/Hour